Archer Academics

Business Psychologist & coach

Stuck in biz or Life ?

I use psychology systems to unlock "how" you navigate challenges, reach goals & master habits. Ideal for growth seekers or mental health enthusiasts!

Get more done

Learn the "How"

Fullfil Goals

Uplift your habits

My story and what I do in simple terms

M.Sc. Psychology & Neuroscience - Arca Tueze

Hi there, I’m Arca, a friendly Business psychologist dedicated to simplifying and enhancing life. I quit my job, sold my events company and moved to Okinawa, Japan, to give all my heart to help people finally get going towards what they deserve. All while achieving my own biggest live goals! With a mix of business systems and psychology expertise, I serve as your guide on your journey

As a Business Psychologist, I go beyond both business and life coaching – being the expert that is in between psychology systems and business processes. This creates a more practical & outcome based coaching experience. I basically bring you the “how” when it comes to grow in your private or professional life!

My Business Psychology mission is to redesign what we see as success. I want to give people superpowers, the ability to be better at the process of growing. I call the people that pursue this path “Success Shifters” those who have mastered the process & systems in itself.

Arca Tueze

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Personal 1-on-1's
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Systems & Outcome oriented
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Business Psychologist:
The New Way to Be Successful

Check my coachings

Want to know more about my services? Click yourself through my 3 main offers below!

Clarity Coaching - for better decisions & passions

Say goodbye to indecisiveness & overthinking! With maximum clarity you will live in passion & wealth!

This consists of creating your own "2nd Brain", a decision making system & tool that helps you find new strengths, weaknesses & opportunities.


Commit action Coaching - for reaching goals more efficiently

Accountability coaching just got an upgrade, don't depend on others but learn how to achieve any goal!

This consists of planning, time management, goals setting & how to actually take the steps towards the goal

Bad Habits

Habit Coaching - for better quality of life or business

We tackle habits from two sides. Overcoming the existing bad habits and learning new good & healthy habits.

This is my most versatile package, this can be anything from straight business habits to physical and mental health.

Business Psychologist? How it works?

These are the Actionable steps to success.

It all begins with the first step

Learn about how scientific methods of behavioral change can genuinely help you transform. This is not a general information course; it’s a full consultation that is designed around psychological methods.

Ready to get started?

What are you waiting for? Schedule a free consultation today and let's get started on transforming your study habits!

I reply to all queries within 1 Business Day.

Open you mind
The first step to any journey is making the decision to start it. Look at where you are and evaluate where you want to be. 
Allow yourself to accept help in order to grow!
Schedule a free consultation
Let's discuss what you're looking for and what you need. I will provide my complete advice free of charge, you still benefit from the call even if you decide not to move forward.
Commit to the transformation
Every week, we will set goals together and you will learn multiple techniques. By following the program from A to Z, I guarantee you growth - step by step.
Voilà! Transformation complete!
My work here is done, now you can overcome any hurdle by yourself- and beyond. You've discovered how to learn anything, check your progress, and set goals. What you've learned can be applied to your entire life!
Ready to start?

You want to study better better than ever? Find out where you can improve. Talk to me for free.

I reply to all queries within 24hrs.


See the results for yourself!

Hear out what my clients are saying.

"I gained so much confidence in my ability to study and especially in organising my whole life. It’s amazing how much easier it has been to finish my tasks and then have free time. I have learned much more than just learning how to study, it's more about learning a whole strategy on how to learn."
Mannon Hallet
"It’s amazing how much time I am saving now. I would say that being more productive is my biggest takeaway. Especially as I work on so many things at once, I am finally able to breathe"
Erwin S
Founder & CEO
"Wow! I can't believe that I can finally be relaxed while studying. I used to be very anxious and I was afraid to fail all the time. I did not realise that stressing so much actually worked against me and lowered my performance. I learned how to chunk tasks better, now I have the feeling that I understand when I worked well and I feel so rewarded along the way!"
Büsra Durmaz
"I was procastinating so much! Finally I was able to get some work done. Moreover, now I am consistently learning a new skill. It feels like I exactly know what to do. I believe that this is for more than students, I think anyone who wants to learn anything can benefit from this."
Robert Bojic
IT - Expert

Let's create progress together

It is my mission to help clients find their best possible self. I want to fill the gap between knowledge acquisitions and transformation. My Catchphrase of success is simple: Learn the “how” of things.